my experience in Rusunawa
23 March 2013 14:40:24
Dibaca : 1857
hy guys..
today i wanna tell you abaout my experience in RUSUNAWA.
you know? today i and my friendsn had gratify activity.every tuesday we had english morning program.i really happy with the program, bacause we must discipline with our time. we had to get up at 04;30 am for pray and 05;30 am for come together in front of dormitory.
i was enjoyed that's program and i was embarrassed because i didn't spoke english well.
i and my friends often wrong to pronaunce the word and i like this part,because we can laugh together.we must concealed from our tutor for spoke indonesia :D
ok guys..i think enough for my story..
c u :*
- Masih Kosong
- Masih Kosong