
16 February 2013 23:57:06 Dibaca : 2190

I do like this song very much. Maroon 5 as the one of biggest band was made this song is very beautiful. They show their capabilities in this song. Adam as the vocalist sang this song as well. I think Maroon 5 lovers have same opinion that Adam has a unique voice or he has different characteristic of voice with other vocalists. Their collaboration of music that depends on their position in this group was very nice. This song is a song in their album “About Jane”.

This song tells about the complicated relationship. The girl is not going as well in their relationship whereas the man has more feeling about love. It is explained by

“She said good bye to many times before”

“Her heart is breaking in front of me”

“And I have no choice cause I won’t say good bye anymore”

It is so deep for me. But, it does not mean I have the same situation of relationship with the song, honestly. Today, I learn more the tutorial of acoustic version, a lot and I did. I hope one day I can sing this song with my beloved guitar in front of my friends.


  • Masih Kosong


  • Masih Kosong