tugas jurusan

06 September 2012 13:54:54 Dibaca : 22


according to me, this object so important to me ! not just for communication, but various requirement already available in this object. like note,voice note,radio,camera,music,clock,calender,games,and alarm. the folder make my life be colourful,cheer up,  help me, and the folder so profit to me. even though the object so small, but i so proud with this object because i get my blackberry not by easy way.
my father promise to me, if i can achieve first ranking in my classroom when im in vocational high school one lomboto. so, my father can bought blackberry to me. and i get it guys... i have first ranking in my classroom. and one day before my birthdy party, my father give surprise gift to me. u know what is that guys? its blackberry.. i so excited !! well, this object so small but i have one nice memories and i hope everytime i see and remember this object, its like have a big motivation in my life. amin


sorry,badstory guys.


  • Masih Kosong


  • Masih Kosong