The Borrowing Words in Indonesian from English

12 June 2013 05:18:01 Dibaca : 2423



1.1 Basic Consideration

Morphology is a branch of linguistics that studies of word formation or the structure of word. According to Caterina Donati (2008), morphology is the field of linguistics that studies the internal structure of words. Another expert, Crystal (1993: 225) said that morphology is the branch of grammar which studies the structure or forms of words, primarily through the use of the morpheme construct. So we can say that morphology is concerned with the forms of words or how words are constructed in different uses and construction.

In Morphology, there is a word formation process. In word formation process, there are some kinds of processes such as coinage, acronym, blending, clipping, borrowing, back formation, compounding, reduplication, suppletion, conversion, and multiple processes. Indonesian language has some words which are derived from borrowing process. This research will focus on borrowing process of Indonesian words from English words.

1.2 Research Questions

What is borrowing?

How is borrowing process of Indonesian words from English words?

1.3 The Aims

To explain what borrowing is.

To identify borrowing or loan words in Indonesian.

1.4 The Benefits

I know about borrowing.

I know about the borrowing or loan words in Indonesian.




2.1 Borrowing Process

According to Crystal (1993), borrowing is a term used in comparative and historical linguistics forms being taken over by one language or dialect from another. It is also called “loan words”.

Borrowing is a process of taking a word from one language and integrating it into another or the process of taking over the words either in their original or moderated from other languages and incorporating them in another language. It may also be referred to as adapting the borrowing language’s phonological system to varying degrees into another language.

According to Osoba (2004: 237), borrowing may be seen as the most important source of new words in English. Although it is a fact that the core of English vocabulary or lexicon-function words, stereotypes, concepts and realities – is still mostly native, we can infer that greater part of its present – day vocabulary is made up of borrowed words.


Chapter III


3.1 Methodology

I used quantitative methodology in this research. It is because this research shows the result of the loan or borrowing words by collecting some data from dictionary and news paper.

3.2 Source data

The sources of the data in this research are LIPI dictionary (Kamus Kata Serapan) and a news paper, Gorontalo Post. On Gorontalo Post, I choose the articles on June 5th 2013, I also use some references such as e-book, internet article to help me accomplishing this research.

3.3 Technique of Data Collection

My technique of data collection that I used in this study is taking note. In taking note, I wrote down every single loan or borrowing word that I have found in news paper and compared them with the borrowing words from dictionary.




4.1 Research Result

Indonesian language has lots of loan or borrowing words used in verbal and written communication. Those words are used in formal and informal situation also. Actually, I myself and also you always use the loan or borrowing words when we were communicating with someone else or when we were writing, accomplishing the assignment and research project, etc.

This research will explain you about the loan words in Indonesian language that I have been found from LIPI Dictionary and collect from Gorontalo Post, June 5th, 2013 edition.

The Loan or Borrowing Words from Gorontalo Post, June 5th, 2013 edition.

I found many words in Indonesia language which are derived from English word on this newspaper.

The loan words on the page 1:

ü Informasi → information1

ü Televisi → television1

ü Kontraktor → contarctor2

ü Korupsi → corruption2-3

ü Komisi → commision4

ü Protes → protest5

ü Kongres → congres6

ü Skuad → scuad7

ü Kompetisi → competition8

ü Divisi→ division8

ü Grup → group8

ü Skor → score8

ü Suporter → supporter9

ü Fanatik → fanatic9

ü Agresif → aggressive10

ü Strategi → strategy11

Those words are derived from English words. Word “kompetisi” on the newspaper is borrowed from word “competition” in English. Word “strategi” is borrowed from word “strategy” in English. This borrowing process also happens to other words above.

The loan words on page 2:

ü Fraksi → fraction12

ü Subsidi → subsidy13

ü Kondisi → condition14

ü Asosiasi → association15

ü Proses → process16

ü Tender → tender16

ü Biro → bureau17

ü Logistik → logistic17

ü Spesifikasi → specification18

ü Karton → carton18

ü Plastik → plastic18

ü Negosiasi → negotiation19-20

ü Teknik → technique20

ü Implementasi → implementation21

ü Industri → industry22-23

ü Dominan → dominant23

ü Konsumen → consumer24

ü Produk → product24

ü Kualitas → quality25

ü Indikator → indicator26

ü Statistik → statistic26-27

ü Akurasi → accuracy27

ü Validasi → validation27

ü Data → data27

ü Metode → method27

ü Sinkronisasi → synchronization28

ü Komoditi → commodity28

Those words above are also derived by using the borrowing process. Word “statistik” is derived from English word “statistic”. Word “spesifikasi” is derived from word English word “specification”. It also happens to other words above.

The loan words on page 3:

ü Komunikasi → communication29

ü Eselon → echelon30

ü Komitment → commitment31

ü Efektif → effective31

ü Efisien → efficient31

ü Fokus → focus32

ü Evaluasi → evaluation32

ü Administrasi → administration32

ü Inspektorat → inspectorate33

ü Tim → team33

ü Obsesi → obsession34

ü Staf → staff35

ü Spesial → special36

ü Maestro → maestro36

ü Hotel → hotel37

ü Reservasi → reservation38

Those words are loan words. Word “inspektorat” is derived from English word “inspectorate”. Word “fokus” is derived from English word, too, “focus”. It also happens to other words above.

The loan words on page 4:

ü Publik → public39

ü Interaktif → interactive39

ü Program → program40

ü Infeksi → infection41

ü Bakteri → bacteria41

ü Organ → organ42

ü Konsultasi → consultation43

ü Dokter → doctor43

ü Fisik → physique43

ü Foto → photo43

ü Laboratorium → laboratory44

ü Sampel → sample44

ü Kompeten →competent45

The word “organ” is derived from English word “organ” that there is no any changing later likes “doctor”. On the other hand, other word “fisik” have any changing later even the pronunciation does not much different from English, “physique”..

The loan words on page 5:

ü Ekosistem → ecosystem46

ü Kondisi → condition47

ü Lokal → local47

ü Konservasi → conservation47

ü Formal → formal48

ü Sosial → social49

ü Ekonomi → economy49

ü Alternatif → alternative50

ü Identifikasi → identification51

ü Adobsi → adobtion51

ü Mekanisme → mechanism51, 54

ü Integrasi → integration52

ü Objek → object53

ü Target → target53

ü Ideal → ideal54

ü Mutualisme → mutualism55

ü Model → model56

ü Konsep → concept57

ü Faktor → factor57

ü Aktifitas → activity58

ü Intervensi → intervention58

ü Poisitif → positive59

ü Negatif → negative59

ü Responsif → responsive60

ü Prioritas → priority60

ü Aksi → action60

ü Implementasi → implementation60

ü Integritas → integrity60

ü Manajer → manager61

ü Sektor → sector62

ü Promosi → promotion63

ü Atraksi → attraction63

ü Partisipasi → participation64

ü Aktif → active64

ü Kontribusi → contribution65

Those words above are loan words which are derived from English words. “mutualisme” is derived from word “mutualism”. It is similar with “makanisme” and “mechanism”. “Promosi” is also derived from word “promotion” that similar with “partisipasi” from “participation”. Borrowing process happens in all of those words above.


4.2 Data

In this part of my research, I write the sentences in the newspapers which contain the loan words that I explained.

1. Gorontalo Post,”….itu terkait dengan posisinya sebagai pembawa acara informasi lalu lintas di salah satu televisi swasta…”

2. Gorontalo Post,”….empat kontraktor bandara didakwa korupsi Rp 6,5 M….”

3. Gorontalo Post,”….akhirnya duduk di kursi pesakitan Pengadilan Tindak Pidana Korupsi (Tipikor) Gorontalo…”

4. Gorontalo Post,”….10 besar calon anggota Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) Bone Bolango menuai sorotan…”

5. Gorontalo Post,”….Delapan partai politik peserta pemilu 2014 di Bone Bolango menyatakan protes atas penetapan sepuluh besar calon anggota KPU…”

6. Gorontalo Post,”….pemerintahan Negeri Gajah Putih itu menyampaikan pidato di deppan 1.500 peserta kongres…”

7. Gorontalo Post,”….Meski tampil dihadapan pendukungnya sendiri, skuad Persigo cukup kesulitan…”

8. Gorontalo Post,”….Pertandingan lanjutan kompetisi Divisi Utama putaran kedua grup IV tersebut akhirnya berakhir dengan skor ttipis 1-0 untuk taun rumah…”

9. Gorontalo Post,”….Bermain tanpa para suporter fanatiknya,…”

10. Gorontalo Post,”….Laskar Lahilote (julukanPersigo) cukup agresif sejak peluit pertanda…”

11. Gorontalo Post,”….para punggawa muda Persigo langsung menyusun strategi dan membangun serangan…”

12. Gorontalo Post,”….PKS Gorontalo meminta Fraksi PKS di DPR RI untuk menolak kenaikan harga…”

13. Gorontalo Post,”….karena membengkaknya beban subsidi di Anggaran Pendapata dan Belanja Negara (APBN)…”

14. Gorontalo Post,”….alasan tersebut berbeda dengan kondisi …”

15. Gorontalo Post,”….itu berbeda dengan hasil perhitungan DPR dan asosiasi perminyakan…”

16. Gorontalo Post,”….KPUakan segera membuka proses tender pengadaan…”

17. Gorontalo Post,”…. Biro logistik merencanakan Juli mendatang pengadaan di provinsi Gorontalo sudah mulai dilakukan…”

18. Gorontalo Post,”….soal penggantian spesifikasi kotak dan bilik dengan bahan karton dan plastik…”

19. Gorontalo Post,”….untuk menyelesaikan masalah-masalah yang muncul, salah satunya dengan melakukan negosiasi…”

20. Gorontalo Post,”….untuk memberikan pengetahunan/pemahaman pada peserta tentang teknik negosiasi…”

21. Gorontalo Post,”….serta dapat diimplementasikan di lingkungan kerja masing-masing…”

22. Gorontalo Post,”…perkembangan industri dewasa ini meningkat dengan sangat cepat...”

23. Gorontalo Post,”….Tantangan yang paling dominan bagi industry pangan…”

24. Gorontalo Post,”….kemampuan untuk memberikan jaminan kepada konsumen bahwa produk pangan yang akan mereka konsumsi bermutu dan aman…”

25. Gorontalo Post,”….hal itu terkait dengan keamanan pangan, kualitas dan persyaratan hukum…”

26. Gorontalo Post,”….salahsatu indikator kinerja pembangunan pertanian adalah menggunakan data statistic pertanian dari data luas tanam…”

27. Gorontalo Post,”….Dalam rangka meningkatkan akurasi dan validasi data statistik pertanian ini, maka harus menggunakan metode pengumpulan data yang sama dan tepat…”

28. Gorontalo Post,”….tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah sinkronisasi data luas tanam dan luas panen komoditi padi palawija…”

29. Gorontalo Post, ”Komunikasi Bisnis” (a title)

30. Gorontalo Post,”….Kakan Kemenag Bonbol Fardin Ali serta beberapa pejabat eselon III di lingkungan Kanwil Kemenag Pronvinsi Gorontalo…”

31. Gorontalo Post,”….setiap pengelola anggaran kegiatan baik Kuasa Pengguna Anggaran (KPA) maupun Pejabat Pembuat Komitmen (PPK) harus senanriasa berpegang pada prinsip pelaksanaan anggaran yang efektif, efisien dan tidak mewah…”

32. Gorontalo Post,”….Sebab kedepan indicator pemeriksaan anggaran tidak hanya terfokus pada evaluasi administrasi capaian umum…”

33. Gorontalo Post,”….Inspektorat Jemdral atau tim pemeriksa lainnya akan melihat dan memeriksa apakah anggaran tersebut sudah tepat penggunaannya…”

34. Gorontalo Post,”….Saya terobsesi, waktu 14 hari pemeriksaan Itjen, cukup dipersingkat 10 hari saja…”

35. Gorontalo Post,”….dari tanggal 3 s/d 5 Juni itu diikuti 80 peserta yang terdiri dari KPA, KPP dan staf pelaksana di setiap Satker jajaran Kanwil Kemenag Gorontalo…”

36. Gorontalo Post,”….Q Corn Pub & Lounge akan disuguhi penampilan-penampilan special dari DJ-DJ papan atas Indonesia.., maestro Hiphop/RnB Indonesia DJ Goeslan pada tanggal 11 Juni…”

37. Gorontalo Post,”….Ujar Deddy S. Thalib selaku General Manager Quality Hotel …”

38. Gorontalo Post,”…. Informasi atau reservasi silahkan menghubungi 0435-822222…”

39. Gorontalo Post, ”Publik Interaktif ” (a title)

40. Gorontalo Post, ”Program Pendidikan Harus Tepat Sasaran” (a title)

41. Gorontalo Post,”….Penyakit TBC adalah suatu penyakit infeksi yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Mikrobakterium tuberkulosa…”

42. Gorontalo Post,”….TBC dapat menginfeksi hampir seluruh organ tubuh seperti: paru-paru, otak, ginjal, dan lain-lain...”

43. Gorontalo Post,”….maka sebaiknya konsultasi dengan dokter untuk dilakukan pemeriksaan fisik, kemungkinan dokter akan menyarankan pemeriksaan foto thorax…”

44. Gorontalo Post,”….Untuk pemeriksaan laboratorium dapat dilakukan dari sampel darah dan sputum (dahak)…”

45. Gorontalo Post,”…Persoalan itu akan diteruskan kepada pihak yang berkompeten …”

46. Gorontalo Post,”….ekowisata bahari adalah ekosistem terumbu karang dan mangrove yang terdapat di Utara maupun Selatan pesisir Gorontalo…”

47. Gorontalo Post,”….Kondisi ekosistem terumbu karang yangamsih baik in tidak lepas dari upaya masyarakat lokal dan Pemerintah Daerah baik Kabupaten maupun Provinsi untuk senantiasa memberikan dukunagan terhadap upaya-upaya konservasi…”

48. Gorontalo Post,”….Upaya formal untuk membentuk DPL di wilayah perairan Provinsi Gorntalo sudah mulai sejak sekitar tahun 2005 …”

49. Gorontalo Post,”….Tujuan sosial ekonomi yaitu untuk menjaga fungsi sosial ekonomi masyarakat sebagai pendorong berkembangnya kegiatan ekonomi masyarakat yang berkelanjutan...”

50. Gorontalo Post,”….sehingga dapat dijadikan mata pencaharian alternatif dan meningkatkan kesejahtraan masyarakat setempat…”

51. Gorontalo Post,”….Walaupun DPL diidentifikasi dan diadopsi secara luas sebagai salah satu mekanisme yang paling efektif untuk melestarikan dan menyelamatkan ekosistem…”

52. Gorontalo Post,”….belum ditentukan adanya model untuk mengintegritaskan pengembangan ekowisata secara berkelanjutan…”

53. Gorontalo Post,”….potensi keindahan terumbu karang dan mangrovenya hanya menawarkan objek ‘apa adanya’ dalam arti hampir tampa kemasan dan juga tampa target pasar yang jelas. …”

54. Gorontalo Post,”…. Idealnyaterdapat juga aliran mekanisme yang dinamis antara pengembangan ekowisata di kawasan DPL dan peningkatan pengelolaan DPL itu sendiri …”

55. Gorontalo Post,”….Sehingga terjadi hubungann simbiosis mutualisme atau yang saling mnguntungkan…”

56. Gorontalo Post,”….Pendekatan Model Pengelolaan …” (a title)

57. Gorontalo Post,”….Konsep ini tidak hanya mengedepankan faktor pertumbuhan ekonomi saja, namun kelestarian SDA juga…”

58. Gorontalo Post,”….Apakah terdapat aktivitas tertentu, intervensi dan kegiatan ekowisata yang sudah dilaksanakan di kawasan DPL yang mampu mencapai tujaun yang telah ditetapkan?…”

59. Gorontalo Post,”….Apakah kegiatan ekowisata yang telah dilaksanakan mempunyai dampak positif atau justru negatif terhadap tujuan pembentukan DPL?…”

60. Gorontalo Post,”….Sebagai sebuah model, akan memberikan dasar bagi kebijakan dan strategi yang responsive dan prioritas dalam Rencana Aksi (Action Plan) pengembangan ekowisata yang berkelanjutan dan terimplementasi serta terintegrasi ke dalam Rencana Pengelolaan…”

61. Gorontalo Post,”….Bagi para manajer danpengelola DPL di daerah yang ingin menggunakan dan mengimplementasikan model ini untuk meningkatkan kinerja…”

62. Gorontalo Post,”….Bagii para pengusaha swasta di sektor pariwisata dapat menggunakan model ini sebagai informasi awal untuk menetapkan strategi…”

63. Gorontalo Post,”….Wakil direktur RSAS Kota Gorontalo Dr. Medi Sarita mengatakan, sesuai dengan informasi yang diterimanya dari mempromosikan atraksi wisata di kawasan DPL secara efektif dan berkelanjutan…”

64. Gorontalo Post,”….Bagi masyarakat local yang berada di sekitar DPL yang dijadikan kawasan pengembangan ekowisata dapat menggunakan model ini sebagai salah satu pertimbangan dalam meningkatkan partisipasi aktif pengembangan ekowisata…”

65. Gorontalo Post,”….di sisi lain kegiatan ekowisata belum dapat memberikan kontribusi positif terhadap pengelolaan DPL secara keseluruhan…”

From all sentences above, we can see how the loan or borrowing words are used in newspaper. Those sentences are quoted from articles on Gorontalo Post, June 5th, 2013 edition, which have loan or borrowing word in every single sentence.




Borrowing is a process of taking a word from one language and integrating it into another or the process of taking over the words either in their original or moderated from other languages and incorporating them in another language. Almost every country or every language has borrowing or loan word; especially in my case research, Indonesian language. There are some words which are derived from English words by using borrowing process. These words are called “loan words”. In newspaper, we can find many loan words in almost every page. Moreover, those loan words are even used in daily life conversation. Therefore, we as the second learners of English language should know and understand the original of loan words for avoiding the misunderstanding in communication.


BIBLIOGRAPHY, 2012. Borrowing and Word Formation in A Language, access on June 7th

           2013, 04.36. p.m. Retrieved from: (

            and-Word-Formation-in-a-Language.htm) Kata Serapan Bahasa Inggris, access on June 8th 2013, 05.14. p.m. Retrieved

            from: ( Major Period of Borrowing, access on June 7th 2012, 10 a.m. Retrieved from:


Gorontalo Post, June 5th, 2013 edition.

Sabtu, 20 April 2013 menjadi hari yang paling ditunggu-tunggu oleh saya dan teman-teman mahasiswa kelas kewirausahaan. Di dampingi oleh seorang wanita energic yang selalu akrab dipangil ma’am Rosma, dosen mata kuliah Kewirausahaan, pasar Liluo menjadi saksi kegiatan “Turun Pasar” kami.

07.15 pagi, meski langit berselimut mendung dan sedikit membuncahi bumi dengan rintikan hujannya, tapi hal itu sama sekali tidak menyurutkan semangat kami untuk berwirausaha tidak hanya untuk memenuhi salah satu persyaratan mata kuliah tapi bagiku adalah lebih dari pada itu. Kita dituntut agar bisa berwirausaha dan mendapatkan penghasilan “uang” dengan cara apapun. Ya, yang pastinya tidak dengan cara-cara yang curang atau menyalahi aturan. No wallet, no handphone, no motor cycle and absolutely no money. Moreover, we must back to university, GSG before 11 o’clock. These are the rules.

Saya sekelompok dengan Ismail Tahir yang lebih senang saya panggil Kak Il. Mulanya kami memutuskan untuk menjajakan “kacang panjang” yang dihargai Rp. 1000,-/ikat. Harga yang cukup bersaing dengan kelompok sayuran yang lain. Butuh waktu kurang lebih 30 menit bagi saya untuk menghabiskan 4 ikat “kacang panjang”. Kekhawatiran pun muncul, “seberapa besarkah gaji yang akan saya dapatkan? Apa mungkin teman-teman yang lain sudah mendapatkan gaji yang lebih dari saya yang belum mendapatkan apa-apa? Mungkin pekerjaan lain akan mendatangkan keuntungan yang besar” itu adalah pertanyaan-pertanyaan dan ide yang datang ke pikiran saya saat itu.

“Move on?” exactly. Dengan sedikit bersilat lidah bahwa saya harus segera kembali ke Kampus, maka “Embah-nya kacang panjang” mengijinkan saya untuk tidak lagi menjadi agen-nya. Bapak itu cukup baik sehingga saya di bekali dengan Rp. 4000,-. 4 ribu? Oh, I don’t think so. “Mift, kamu pasti bisa!” keyakinan yang berbuah hasil Mengejutkan. “Angkat Barang” itulah istilah profesi itu. Saya melihat teman-teman saya tidak melihat potensi perputaran uang yang menurut saya Awesome pada profesi itu. Point pertama adalah profesi ini tidak mengenal “taken contract” seperti profesi saya yang pertama ataupun beberapa rana jasa yang teman-teman saya tawarkan pada beberapa orang penjual seperti rana “cabo, ikan, perlalatan dapur, mainan taupun bahan sembako”. Mereka membantu penjuanya menjual barang dagangan mereka dengan dalih mendapatkan gaji atau upah. Point kedua adalah upah yang saya dapatkan dari profesi ini adalah langsung saya terima dan sah menjadi milik saya. Cara kerjanya pun cukup mudah, hanya berbekal fisik yang kuat dan kesabaran, saya mengangkat barang dagangan atau belanjaan pembeli atau siapa saja yang memakai jasa saya dan menjajaki beberapa destination atau tempat persinggahan dimana consumers melengkapi daftar belanjaannya. Kadang-kadang saya mengelilingi pasar Liluo dengan posisi setia berada di belakang consumers. Dan pasti the final destination-nya adalah Bentor, pangkalan Bentor. Peluh? Pasti, tapi setelah semua barang belanjaan tertata rapi di Bentor, upah pun saya terima. Dan gajinya cukup meyakinkan atas kepopuleran profesi ini yang biasanya digeluti oleh anak-anak usia sekolah dasar. Singkatnya, consumer pertama mengupah saya Rp. 5000,-, kedua Rp. 7000,-, ketiga Rp. 8000,-, dan ke 5000,-. Sehingga penghasilan dari profesi ini sebesar Rp. 25.000,-. Sangat berbeda dengan profesi pertama saya. Meski tak dapat saya pungkiri bahwa profesi itu cukup banyak memakan waktu dalam mencari pengguna jasa atau consumers. Dan total penghasilan saya pada hari Sabtu itu adalah Rp. 29.000,-. Alhamdulillahirobbil’aalamiin. I thank you Allah.

Akhirnya, dari kegiatan kewirausahaan “Turun Pasar”, saya dapat merasakan bahwa betapa susahnya orang tua mencari penghasilan untuk membiayai kehidupan keluarga yang sebagian besar persentasenya adalah untuk saya, Pendidikan saya, bagaimana agar saya tetap mengenyam pendidikan setinggi mungkin dan keperluan keluarga yang tidak dapat disebutkan satu per satu. I thank you ma’am Rosma for all of the entrepreneurship learning process and activities. You are great.

An Argumentative Essay

09 June 2013 20:14:50 Dibaca : 896

Government should Add the Regulation of Santet or Black Magic

Santet or people call it black magic is a type of magic which is believed to use the power of devil in order to do evil whereas regulation is an official rule made by a government or some other authority (Oxford Dictionary: 112, 1115). It was one of hot topic that is discussed by people especially by legislator of Indonesian Constitution recently. Some of them disagree to add the regulation of santet or black magic in Indonesian Constitution because the verification of this case is so difficult. However, according to the definition I do believe government should add the regulation of santet or black magic as one of the Indonesian Constitution, because there are three points of view that it can support my assumption, santet or black magic can make someone or people in danger; this case is similar with cyber crime; and our country is the religious one.

The first and the most important reason is santet or black magic can make someone or people in danger. Person can use shaman as the mediator or someone who give service to kill another person by giving the unthinkable dieses with mantra. For example, Diana Sumareangin, she is one of the victims. Moreover, she is my friend’s mother, Handre Sumareangin exactly. He told me the chronological process about his mother death by santet or black magic. He said that his mother got unusual dieses before dying. There were five wires in Mrs. Sumareangin’s stomach. It made her difficult to do anything in her daily activities. Even though her family did their best to cure her by staying in hospital with the professional and qualified doctor team in surgery and also by alternative medication with some experts but, it was unsuccessful. Conversely, her family felt sorrowful and also they would terrible financial in that time. Mrs. Sumareangin was gone in 22nd of August 2005.

The second reason is this case is similar with cyber crime. It is because santet and cyber crime are the abstract things but we can feel the effect of these crimes. For instance, cyber crime can make someone or company loss out. For example, Crish Allan is a hacker. Even he was a senior high school student when he broke into one of American company’s system and it made the company loss out but, the government decided he as the suspected. Then, he secluded in jail for four years. And the other hand, Ki Sugeng just got the people punishment in Handre’s case. The government did not give a hand to solve this accident. It was not fair. Ki Sugeng as suspected and he must get criminal and civil laws punishments. Handre and his family were not only got terrible financial but also sadness came to them because of her mother’s death. In addition, I think government can create the Security Institution of Santet/Black Magic as the one of the example to solve this case. Consequently, each person in this institution is professional about santet or black magic such as Ustadz Jefri Al-Bukhori from Islamist, Ki Joko Bodo from paranormal, Roni Nitibaskara from criminologist, and Sunarto from metaphysic. So, each case of santet or black magic can be solved and proved by scientific and supernatural.

The last reason is Indonesia is one of religious country. According to Indonesian Basic Constitution in fourth paragraph, “…Indonesia’s National Independence shall be laid down in a Constitution of the State of Indonesia, which is to be established as the State of the Republic of Indonesia with sovereignty of the people and based on the belief in the One and Only God ” we have to realize about this thing. Moreover, the majority people in this country are Muslim. Base on Islamic law, santet or black magic is syirik or belief in more than one God. It means the regulation of santet or black magic can more protect Indonesian people especially Muslim from syirik. It is because syirik is the biggest sin in Islam. Moreover, the condition of this case it is similar with other kinds of crime that has same laws of religion such as, stealing, mistreating, violating and etc.

In conclusion, santet or black magic should have to be regulated by government. It will protect someone or people in this country from metaphysic danger and by Security Institution of Santet/Black Magic, the suspected can get the punishment base on the regulation itself, it includes the criminal law and civil law. Moreover, it will increase people’s faithful. Therefore, it is the best thought and the best way that should government applies by adding the regulation of santet or black magic as one of Indonesian Constitution as soon as possible for social safety of people in Indonesia.



794 words (from the title until the conclusion).The underline is the thesis statement.



Chapter I


1. Basic Consideration

Prose is a term for a narrative story that is prepared with the language and it has a particular storyline. And also prose is a literary form of writing, consists of the flow of narrative and dialogue between characters.

Short story is one kinds of prose. Short story is a story, usually about imagery characters and events, that’s short enough to be read from beginning to end without stopping.

One of the popular short stories in the world is “Aladdin and the Magic Lamp”. The short story is strong of the Middle East’s culture or more popularly called in The Arabian Nights. Aladdin as the main character in this story has unique characterization. It was supported by other characters such as his mother, evil magician (Abanazar), gene, princess Jasmine. This story also has some conflicts to entertain and amuse the readers.

In this paper, I will explain the conflict and character of Aladdin based on “Aladdin and the Magic Lamp”. It is because in my opinion, the conflict and the character of Aladdin are amazing to analyze. Additionally, I will make the reader who read my work know more about the character of Aladdin deeply with the conflict that happened to him through story “Aladdin and the Magic Lamp”.

2. Problem Statement

There are two problem statements as the main point what element of the story will be explained in this paper.

How is the conflict of Aladdin in the story, “Aladdin and the Magic Lamp”?How is the character of Aladdin in the story, “Aladdin and the Magic Lamp”?

3. Objective of Study

According to the problem statement, there are two objectives of study as final purpose of composing this paper.

To explain the conflict of Aladdin in the story, “Aladdin and the Magic Lamp”.To explain the character of Aladdin in the story, “Aladdin and the Magic Lamp”.


Chapter II

Theoretical Bases

1. A Brief Description of Short StoryThe definition of Short Story

Edgar Allen Poe (1842) said, “Prose is a short work of fiction which can be read in single sitting and where all of its elements contribute to a single effect." And also it is shorter in length than a novel.

Daniel J. Dombrowski (2011), a writer of short story, said that short story is an idea with consequences. He adds a short story should start with a single idea and explore it somehow. That is why it shouldn't delve too much into character, plot, or setting. It should just focus on a single idea and the consequences of that idea.

In my opinion, short story is one kind of literary work in prose that can make the readers amuse and entertain by the reading the story in a moment.

The Elements of Short Story

Generally, there are six elements of short story. They are


The time and location in which a story takes place is called the setting. For some stories the setting is very important, while for others it is not. There are several aspects of a story's setting namely place, time weather condition, social condition, and mood or atmosphere.


The plot is how the author arranges events to develop his basic idea; it is the sequence of events in a story or play. The plot is a planned, logical series of events having a beginning, middle, and end. There are five parts of plot, introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, and denouement.


Conflict is essential to plot. Without conflict there is no plot. There are two kinds of conflict, external conflict and internal conflict.


Character is the characteristic of person in story. There are four kinds of characteristics, antagonist, protagonist dynamic character, and static character,

Point of View

Point of view or PVO defined as the angle from which the story is told. There are four kinds PVO, innocent eye, stream of consciousness, first person, and omniscient


The theme is its controlling idea or its central insight. It is the author's underlying meaning or main idea that he is trying to convey or tell what the story talking about.

2. Conflict

Conflict is not merely limited to open arguments; rather it is any form of opposition that faces the main character. Within a short story there may be only one central struggle, or there may be one dominant struggle with many minor ones.

There are two types of conflict:

External - A struggle with a force outside one's self.Internal - A struggle within one's self; a person must make some decision, overcome pain, quiet their temper, resist an urge, etc.

There are four kinds of conflict:

Man vs. Man (physical) - The leading character struggles with his physical strength against other men, forces of nature, or animals.Man vs. Circumstances (classical) - The leading character struggles against fate, or the circumstances of life facing him/her.Man vs. Society (social) - The leading character struggles against ideas, practices, or customs of other people.Man vs. Himself/Herself (psychological) –The leading character struggles with himself/herself; with his/her own soul, ideas of right or wrong, physical limitations, choices, etc.

As the analyst, the conflict of Aladdin in “Aladdin and the Magic Lamp” can be analyzed by focusing on the types and kinds of conflict above.

3. Character

There are two meanings of character in short story (Henry: 2004), they are:

Character, is the characteristic the person in the story.

In this aspect there are two kinds of the characters,

ü Protagonist, the main character of the story. He/she/it can be kind/good or evil/bad. But they usually kind/good.

ü Antagonist, is opposes of protagonist character. He/she/it usually evil/bad.

Characterization is the author’s way to reveal the character for readers in the story.

There are two types of characterizations,

ü Dynamic character, the character that changes as a result of the action of the story.

ü Static character, the character that does not change much in the story.

As the analyst, the character of Aladdin in “Aladdin and the Magic Lamp” can be analyzed by focusing on the several ways:

ü His physical appearance

ü What he says, thinks, feels and dreams

ü What he does or does not do

ü What others say about him/her and how others react to him/her

4. Approach

I used the Structuralism approach for analyzing the conflict of Aladdin and Stylistic approach for analyzing the character of Aladdin in “Aladdin and the Magic Lamp”

a. Structuralism Approach

Structuralism approach is a theory that considers any text as a structure whose various parts only have meaning when they are considered in relationship to each other. It is an approach that suitable to analyze a literary work, moreover in this case is short story. It means that the conflict can be analyzed according to the chronological order of the story itself. Structuralism concentrates on elements within works of literature without focusing on historical, social, and biographical influences. Structuralism, however, is grounded in linguistics and developed by Ferdinand de Saussure. Saussure’s said that language is a complete, self-contained system and should be studied as such.

Structural approach is based on the theory that literature is a structure within many elements. There is coherent relation among elements. Therefore, structural literary criticism is an objective method which concern in the coherent relation among elements (Suroso, 2009: 79)

This approach to literature is looking at how the structure (format/ organization) of a story (maybe the plot or a specific character, point of view, conflict, or theme) can be seen as similar to other story structures (themes, tones, plots, characters) in other works. The other aspect of this approach is that it breaks down works into smaller parts to be studied (such as theme, conflict, characters, etc)

b. Stylistic Approach

Stylistics is the description and analysis of the variability of linguistic forms in actual language use. Considering style as choice, there are a multitude of stylistic factors that lead the language user to prefer certain linguistic forms to others (Michael Toolan).

It means that the language that character used in the story will reveal and show the readers about his/her characters. Even the structuralism approach also can analyze the character of Aladdin in “Aladdin and the Magic Lamp” but the suitable approaching of character is stylistic approach.


Chapter III


1. The Story of Aladdin and the Magic Lamp

Long time ago there live Aladdin. He was the son of Mustapha, a poor tailor. When his father died, his mother earned money by spinning cotton. “Where is that good for nothing boy?” Aladdin’s mother yelled as she looked up from her spinning. “There is not a scrap of food in the house, and here I am, working all day long to keep us two alive.” Meanwhile, Aladdin was in the bazaar on the other side of the town of Baghdad, drinking mint tea and chatting with his friends.

Of all the boys, Aladdin was the naughtiest and the laziest. He never helped his widowed mother in work, but spent all his time making mischief. “Remember, Aladdin!” called a friend. “It’s your turn to buy the tea for all of us. No excuses!”
In his hiding place across the street, a dark complexioned stranger muttered to himself in triumph, “Ah ha! If that boy really is Aladdin… my long search is over.’ He stood in the shadows, watched and waited. At last the merry band of boys broke up, and as Aladdin rushed past, the stranger stepped out in front of him.

“My dear Aladdin!” he cried, with false tears of joy in his eyes. “I’m your uncle Abanazar, coming home to Baghdad after many years of travelling. How pleased I am to see you!” In fact, this man was not Aladdin’s uncle at all but an evil magician. Long ago while casting spells, he had learned that, hidden in a cave near Baghdad, was a magic lamp which could unleash the magic power of the mightiest genie in the entire world.

Abanazar knew that only a very special boy could find that lamp. A boy called Aladdin. Young Aladdin was very excited when he took the magician home. He had never heard of an uncle from his mother but the man was very convincing. Cunning Abanazar certainly hoodwinked Aladdin’s mother and his gifts of gold and pearls could make anyone believe anything.

Next morning, Abanzar took Aladdin for a walk. Soon they left the city and wandered into the desert area beyond. “Look here, my nephew,” said Abanazar gravely. “Your poor mother is getting old. It’s time you learned some trade to earn a living.”

Aladdin frowned. What? Work all day? That was no fun. “I’ll open a shop for you and stock it with the finest silks of the Orient,” his uncle revealed. The idea did appeal to Aladdin. He could just imagine how rich he would become. “You are right, uncle,” he said smiling. “I must do something.”

The fake uncle tried to hide his excitement. “If I’m going to help you, you must help me, he said. Aladdin looked puzzled. The man said, “Fetch some wood and light me a fire-just here!” And he marked a cross on the ground.

The fire was duly ready, and the magician threw incense into the leasing flames. There was an enormous bang and the whole earth trembled and opened at their feet. A huge stone, like a trap-door, came into the sight.

“Now lift the stone,” said Abanazar. “Beneath it, you will find a treasure cave, lit by a simple brass lamp. Touch nothing-just bring me the lamp. Do this for me, and I will give you everything I’ve promised!”

Aladdin nodded his head. He took a deep breath and seized the stone. To his surprise, it moved easily and he found himself looking into the dark entrance of the cave. With a last look at the magician uncle, Aladdin disappeared through the opening, and made his way straight to the lamp, as his uncle had told him.

Not a sound could be heard in the cavern and the gloom. Aladdin took the lamp and hurried back to the entrance where Abanazar was waiting. “Good! Give it to me!” yelled the magician excitedly. “Hurry, boy! Or take what’s coming!”
When Aladdin didn’t answer, the magician threw more incense into the fire, the ground heaved, and the stone rolled back, leaving Aladdin trapped in the cave.

A surprised Aladdin looked at the soiled lamp in despair. Then as he used his sleeve to rub away the soil… there was a tremendous flash… Poof!.. and… an enormous genie stood before him. “I am the slave of the lamp, and of the one who holds it. What is your order, O master?” Aladdin said in overawed tone, “Take me home, O genie, to my mother!” “Your wish is command for me!” Boomed the genie, his voice echoing around the cavern. There again was a flash and Aladdin heard his mother’s voice:

Is that you, son… where have you been? You’re never in when needed.” Now Aladdin knew he was safely home and threw himself into his mother’s arms. The years passed and Aladdin grew into a young man. He gave up his naughty ways and worked hard to look after his aging mother.

One day, as he was on his way, Aladdin caught sight of the daughter of Sultan of Baghdad, the princess Jasmine. She was walking in the palace gardens, chatting with her maids. Aladdin was spellbound by her beauty and instantly set his heart on marrying her.

He wondered, “But how can a man as poor as me ever be a princess husband?” When he told his mother of his love, she said:

“Don’t worry son.” “With the genie’s help, you’ll soon be rich enough for any Sultan!” Aladdin’s eyes sparkled. With one rub of the lamp Aladdin’s mother called up the genie… and he did everything she asked, immediately.

Then, next day, Aladdin presented himself to the Sultan looking like the finest young price. When he met Jasmine, he answered her question with such wit and grace that she fell deeply in love with him.

Very soon, they were married, and lived for a year and a day in perfect happiness. And, one morning, when Aladdin was out hunting, Jasmine heard a street peddler’s call:

“New lamps for old, new lamps for old!” Curiously she rushed to her window, looked down and saw a talk, dark man standing by the palace gates. It was in fact, the evil magician, Abanazar! Of course, princes Jasmine didn’t know who he was, but immediately thought of the ugly old lamp in her husband’s box. “Give this to the peddler,” she told her maid. “I will surprise Aladdin with a fine new lamp.” The maid took the old lamp and rushed to the palace gates where Abanazar was waiting. He could hardly stop his hands trembling as he grabbed the magic lamp, gave the maid new gleaming lamp and hurried to his house in triumph.

“Wondrous genie is mine at last!” he gloated as he rubbed the lamp. “I am the slave of the lamp, and of the one who holds it. What is your order, O master?” “Get Princess Jasmine here. Then we will leave Baghdad forever!” When Aladdin returned home, he found the inmates of the palace weeping, “Princess Jasmine has gone, and no-one can find her!” After learning about the peddler, Aladdin searched the city for him and his lamp, but he was nowhere to be found. Now Aladdin prepared for a long journey.

He knew that Abanazar had duped his wife and he vowed that he would search the world to find his darling Jasmine! At last, in the midst of a lonely desert, he found the evil magician’s lair. Aladdin had never seen such an eerie castle and he almost wept to think of his wife as a prisoner there. In the guise of a holy man, Aladdin persuaded the servants to let him in. He asked to see Jasmine and found her crying in a dingy and gloomy room.

Jasmine recognized him “Oh Aladdin,” she said, embracing him and smiling through her tears. “I thought that I would never see you again.” Aladdin took Jasmine in his arms and comforted her. Then he waited for the magician. He knew that he must kill this evil man to be rid of him forever. At last, Abanazar appeared. Aladdin stepped forward to block his path with sword in hand.

“Prepare to meet your death,” the young man announced. “Your end has come!” With a scream of fury, Abanazar drew his sword and leaped at Aladdin. The clash of steel rang out as the two men fought ferociously.

Abanazar had the strength of a bull, but Aladdin was as quick as a tom-cat. He saw his chance, and plunged his sword deep into the magician’s heart. The wicked man lurched and fell down dead. The victorious Aladdin searched the castle and found his lamp. Rubbing it gently, he summoned the genie.

“I am the slave of the lamp, and of the man who holds it. What is your order, O master?” “Take us home, O gene!” said Aladdin with a relief. “Your wish is command for me!” And the next moment, Aladdin and his beloved Jasmine were safely back in Baghdad, standing in their garden.

To welcome them, the setting sun had painted the trees and the marble palace in glorious pink shade. Aladdin’s mother was waiting to welcome them. “Carefully look after that lamp, Aladdin”, she advised. “You never know when it might come in handy.”

The next morning, Aladdin followed her advice, and locked the lamp away forever, safe and sound. His beloved wife lived happily with him all her life long, and happily ever after.

2. Analysis

a. Conflict

In my analysis, I will explain the conflict based on the chronological order of the story, “Aladdin and the Magic Lamp”.

First conflict

“Where is that good for nothing boy?” Aladdin’s mother yelled as she looked up from her spinning. “There is not a scrap of food in the house, and here I am, working all day long to keep us two alive.” Meanwhile, Aladdin was in the bazaar on the other side of the town of Baghdad, drinking mint tea and chatting with his friends.

According to Aladdin’s mother expression and a little bit narrator explanation above, it means the external conflict (man vs. man in story) or I can say Aladdin vs. his mother. I cannot imagine how angry his mother to Aladdin because of his attitude.

Second conflict

“Of all the boys, Aladdin was the naughtiest and the laziest. He never helped his widowed mother in work, but spent all his time making mischief.”

By the information above, I can decide it is internal conflict (man vs. himself) of Aladdin. How lazy he was. He did not help his mother even he realize that his father was gone.

Third conflict

“Remember, Aladdin!” called a friend. “It’s your turn to buy the tea for all of us. No excuses!”

The sentence means the external conflict (man vs. man). In this case, Aladdin must pay his friend’s tea without any excuse. His friend’s said like that because they paid Aladdin. Even it likes the consequences but I can say it’s the external conflict by exclamation points in the expression.

Fourth conflict

“Young Aladdin was very excited when he took the magician home. He had never heard of an uncle from his mother but the man was very convincing. Cunning Abanazar certainly hoodwinked Aladdin’s mother and his gifts of gold and pearls could make anyone believe anything.”

It is the internal conflict (man vs. himself) of Aladdin. He actually really confuse, it because he never heard that his father have a brother. Moreover, Abanazar was convincing him by giving lots of gist.

Fifth conflict

“Look here, my nephew,” said Abanazar gravely. “Your poor mother is getting old. It’s time you learned some trade to earn a living.”

Aladdin frowned. “What? Work all day? That was no fun.”

In this conversation Aladdin got external factor (man vs. man) or Aladdin vs. Abanazar. It’s because he enjoyed with his laziness so when Abanazar said that he have to learn some trade, it made him did not like or disagree.

Sixth conflict

“I’ll open a shop for you and stock it with the finest silks of the Orient,” his uncle revealed. The idea did appeal to Aladdin. He could just imagine how rich he would become. “You are right, uncle,” he said smiling. “I must do something.”

According to the conversation, it is the internal conflict (man vs. himself) of Aladdin. He changed his mind by thinking he will be a rich man when he got the job from his uncle.

Seventh conflict

“Now lift the stone,” said Abanazar. “Beneath it, you will find a treasure cave, lit by a simple brass lamp. Touch nothing-just bring me the lamp. Do this for me, and I will give you everything I’ve promised!”

Aladdin nodded his head. He took a deep breath and seized the stone. To his surprise, it moved easily and he found himself looking into the dark entrance of the cave.

This is the internal conflict (man man vs. himself) of Aladdin. It’s because Aladdin afraid actually. I can say this because most of people if take breathe deeply it does mean they afraid or worry about something. And the conflict was complete when Aladdin seized the stone and went into the cave.

Eighth conflict

“Good! Give it to me!” yelled the magician excitedly. “Hurry, boy! Or take what’s coming!” When Aladdin didn’t answer, the magician threw more incense into the fire, the ground heaved, and the stone rolled back, leaving Aladdin trapped in the cave.

The crucial moment between Abanazar and Aladdin, there are two conflicts, internal conflict (man vs. himself) and the external conflict (man vs. man) or Aladdin vs. Abanazar. In this case Aladdin worried about his uncle promised so he did not give the lamp to the Abanazar (internal conflict) without answer his called. It made Abanazar angry and by throwing some incense into the fire, he made Aladdin trapped in the cave (external conflict).

Ninth conflict

One day, as he was on his way, Aladdin caught sight of the daughter of Sultan of Baghdad, the princess Jasmine. She was walking in the palace gardens, chatting with her maids. Aladdin was spellbound by her beauty and instantly set his heart on marrying her.

He wondered, “But how can a man as poor as me ever be a princess husband?”

There are two external conflicts here; they are man vs. circumstance and man vs. society. Aladdin realizes that his condition was not support himself to marry (man vs. circumstance). He also was pessimist about his status social as the usual person in the society who really loves and wants to be prince Jasmine husband. He thought it so impossible (man vs. society).

Tenth conflict

When Aladdin returned home, he found the inmates of the palace weeping, “Princess Jasmine has gone, and no-one can find her!” After learning about the peddler, Aladdin searched the city for him and his lamp, but he was nowhere to be found. Now Aladdin prepared for a long journey.

He knew that Abanazar had duped his wife and he vowed that he would search the world to find his darling Jasmine!

It means Aladdin felt the internal conflict (man vs. himself). Probably he thought that how could my wife disappear instantly. And after that he decides to look for Abanazar because Abanazar was took his beloved wife.

Eleventh conflict

“Prepare to meet your death,” the young man announced. “Your end has come!” With a scream of fury, Abanazar drew his sword and leaped at Aladdin. The clash of steel rang out as the two men fought ferociously.

The fighting means the external conflict (man vs. man) or Aladdin vs. Abanazar. Aladdin gave his best effort to help his beloved wife.

b. Character

In my analysis, I will explain the character of Aladdin appropriate the plot of story (from beginning until the end).

Part one

“Where is that good for nothing boy?” Aladdin’s mother yelled as she looked up from her spinning. “There is not a scrap of food in the house, and here I am, working all day long to keep us two alive.”

Aladdin’s mother expressions means Aladdin is a lazy and naughty boy that never helped her work to earn the living.

Part two

“Remember, Aladdin!” called a friend. “It’s your turn to buy the tea for all of us. No excuses!”

According to the Aladdin’s friend expressions, it means Aladdin has many friends but probably they usually bully him. It’s because there are two exclamation marks in his friend expression.

Part three

“Ah ha! If that boy really is Aladdin… my long search is over.’ said Abanazar.

It means Aladdin is the important person in Baghdad. It means that Aladdin is the Protagonist character. It is because he is the important one person among Baghdad people.

Part four

“Your poor mother is getting old. It’s time you learned some trade to earn a living.” said Abanazar.

Aladdin frowned. What? Work all day? That was no fun.

“I’ll open a shop for you and stock it with the finest silks of the Orient,” his uncle revealed. The idea did appeal to Aladdin. He could just imagine how rich he would become. “

You are right, uncle,” he said smiling. “I must do something.”

According to the conversation, Aladdin is already wants to move on from his laziness and naughtiness.

Part five

Is that you, son… where have you been? You’re never in when needed.” Now Aladdin knew he was safely home and threw himself into his mother’s arms. The years passed and Aladdin grew into a young man. He gave up his naughty ways and worked hard to look after his aging mother.

His mother’s expression means she really loved Aladdin even he is bad boy. By the time Aladdin become a good man who worked hard to earn their living and look after his mother. It means Aladdin has dynamic character. He was being a hard worker and always save his mother.

Part six

“Don’t worry son.” “With the genie’s help, you’ll soon be rich enough for any Sultan!” Aladdin’s eyes sparkled. With one rub of the lamp Aladdin’s mother called up the genie and he did everything she asked, immediately.

Aladdin’s mother really loved Aladdin and she amuse him by giving the suggestion. Moreover, it made Aladdin happy and does not pessimist anymore.

Part seven

Then, next day, Aladdin presented himself to the Sultan looking like the finest young price. When he met Jasmine, he answered her question with such wit and grace that she fell deeply in love with him. Very soon, they were married, and lived for a year and a day in perfect happiness.

The story told that the character of Aladdin is smart, kind, and a good husband.

Part eight

When Aladdin returned home, he found the inmates of the palace weeping, “Princess Jasmine has gone, and no-one can find her!” After learning about the peddler, Aladdin searched the city for him and his lamp, but he was nowhere to be found. Now Aladdin prepared for a long journey. He knew that Abanazar had duped his wife and he vowed that he would search the world to find his darling Jasmine!

In this situation, Aladdin show me as the reader and analyst that he is a good husband and it was his responsibility to find and take over his beloved wife from Abanazar.

Part nine

Jasmine recognized him “Oh Aladdin,” she said, embracing him and smiling through her tears. “I thought that I would never see you again.” Aladdin took Jasmine in his arms and comforted her.

Princess Jasmine’s expressions means that she was really miss and loved Aladdin. And Aladdin as her husband made her comfort at the terrible moment. It’s so touched.

Part ten

“Prepare to meet your death,” the young man announced. “Your end has come!” With a scream of fury, Abanazar drew his sword and leaped at Aladdin. The clash of steel rang out as the two men fought ferociously. Abanazar had the strength of a bull, but Aladdin was as quick as a tom-cat. He saw his chance, and plunged his sword deep into the magician’s heart.

This part shows me that Aladdin played the Antagonist character for strengthen his Protagonist character. It’s because he must save princess Jasmine.

Part eleven

To welcome them, the setting sun had painted the trees and the marble palace in glorious pink shade. Aladdin’s mother was waiting to welcome them. “Carefully look after that lamp, Aladdin”, she advised. “You never know when it might come in handy.”

The last part of my analysis show that the people of Baghdad, palace and especially Aladdin’s mother were waiting to welcome Aladdin and princess Jasmine, it means Aladdin like a hero. Moreover, his mother always guided Aladdin by some suggestion and it made Aladdin and princess Jasmine happily ever after.


Chapter IV


As conclusion, Short story is one kind of literary work in prose concept and it can be reading in one sitting. Conflict and Character are two elements important in short story as I told you before. But it does not mean other elements are not important. They also are important to build the short story.

“Aladdin and the Magic Lamp” is one of famous popular short story in the world. Most of people know the story especially among the children. Aladdin as the main character or I can say he is the protagonist character has a unique live. He also has dynamic characterization. From the laziest and naughtiest boy became the good man and good husband. Even though he was being antagonist character when he killed the Abanazar for saving princess Jasmine live. Moreover, the development of character of Aladdin was in line with conflict that happened in him. Then, the one of the important feeling that make myself as the analyst of “Aladdin and the Magic Lamp” is the happy ending. It more than much to complete my analysis works. Especially, this final project makes me more loving the literary criticism.



Mazidah, Lutfiatul (2012), Review of Related Literature. Retrieved from: 2013, May 7.

Henry. (2004). 5 Important Elements of Short Story. Retrieved from: 2013, May 8.

_______, (2011). Aladdin and the Magic Lamp. Retrieved from: 2013, May 7.



16 February 2013 23:57:06 Dibaca : 2177

I do like this song very much. Maroon 5 as the one of biggest band was made this song is very beautiful. They show their capabilities in this song. Adam as the vocalist sang this song as well. I think Maroon 5 lovers have same opinion that Adam has a unique voice or he has different characteristic of voice with other vocalists. Their collaboration of music that depends on their position in this group was very nice. This song is a song in their album “About Jane”.

This song tells about the complicated relationship. The girl is not going as well in their relationship whereas the man has more feeling about love. It is explained by

“She said good bye to many times before”

“Her heart is breaking in front of me”

“And I have no choice cause I won’t say good bye anymore”

It is so deep for me. But, it does not mean I have the same situation of relationship with the song, honestly. Today, I learn more the tutorial of acoustic version, a lot and I did. I hope one day I can sing this song with my beloved guitar in front of my friends.


  • Masih Kosong


  • Masih Kosong