ARSIP BULANAN : September 2013

my wish.

21 September 2013 11:11:41 Dibaca : 37
  1. Have a good score for every semester
  2. Have a laptop
  3. Have a motorcycle
  4. Graduate and have good score at state university gorontalo
  5. Will be lecture/teacher
  6. Have a job/wirausaha
  7. Buy house for my family
  8. Buy a car
  9. Have vacation with my family
  10. 10Have a scholarship go to Australia
  11. 11. Will make my sister n brother success
  12. 12. Will go to Paris
  13. 13 Go to makkah with my mom and dad              Amin Ya Allah

1 . Age 0-1 years

·Learning motor skills from rolling over , crawling , sitting , standing and walking.

·Learning skills using the five senses , such as seeing or observing , feeling , hearing , smelling and tasting by entering each item into his mouth .

learning social communication . baby was ready to implement the social contract with his environment

2. Age 2-3 years

´Children at this age have some common characteristics with the previous period .Physically, children are still experiencing growth rapidly .

´Children are very active exploring the objects around him . He has a keen power to observe and incredible desire to learn .

´Children begin to develop language skills. Started from chattering , then one or two words and sentences unclear meaning. Children continue to learn and communicate, to understand others speech and learn to express their feeling and mind .

´Children begin to develop their emotions. Emotional development of children based on how he treats the environment . Because emotion is not found by default but more in the environment .

3. Age 4-6 years

´Related to physical development , children are very active in various activities . It is worthwhile to develop small and large muscles.

´Language development is getting better . Children are able to understand the speech of others and able to speak in certain limits .

´Cognitive development ( thinking power ) very rapidly. it is looked from the frequent they ask everything they have seen.

Form of the game is still an individual, not a social game. Even though they play together


  • Masih Kosong


  • Masih Kosong