ARSIP BULANAN : October 2021

The story of my life

15 October 2021 14:49:25 Dibaca : 36

Assalamualaikum, Here I gonna tell you about my life

My name is Septian Abdurahman Dunggio and people always call me Septian, I was born in Gorontalo Regency, September 08nd 2003.I live in west Pentadio,Telaga Biru,Gorontalo Regency. I am a student of English Department in Gorontalo States University. I am 18 years old and I have so much of hobbies. One best of my hobby is Photography.

Nowadays, Photography became my hobby and my profession, I am actually a Specialist Wedding Photographer, I spent a lot of my time to learn about photography, in my opinion the knowledge will be easy to understand if we fun to learn it.  I always ride to north Gorontalo to take my job and I editing my client photos in every single day. This is my destiny and this is the best way I have been taken.

So that is all of my story, thank you for your attention


  • Masih Kosong


  • Masih Kosong