ARSIP BULANAN : October 2012

English Project Assignment

18 October 2012 17:11:34 Dibaca : 49

Assignment by Chenli malasai
Class: A
From : Agus Lahinta



1.       Look at A opposite. Which type of computer do these descriptions refer to ?


  • A hand-held computer which be used as a telephone, a web explorer and a personal organizer. (PDA)
  • A typical computer found in many businesses and popular for home use. (Desktop PC)
  • A large computer used for intensive data processing and often linked to many terminals. (Mainframe)
  • A small computer that fits into items of clothing. (Wearable Computer)
  • A potable computer that can be closed up like a briefcase, buut it can  be as powerful as a desktopp PC. (Laptop)
  • A full-function PC, though it only weighs 1.2 kg – you can go to a meetiing and write your notes on it, like a paper notepad; its screen mode can be changed from portrait to landscape. (Tablet PC)







2.       Look at the computer advertisement and find this information.


  • What type of computer is advertised? (Toshiba sattelite)
  • What kind of screen does it have? (Widescreen)
  • Which pointing device replaces the mouse? (Touchpad)
  • What type of ports does it have for connecting cameras and music players? (USB)
  • What sort of power supply does it use? (Lithium-ion battery pack)






3.       Read this interview with Adam Hawkins, an IT manager, and complete it with words from the PDA section opposite.


Interviewer : What are the basic features of a PDA?


Adam        : Well, a typical PDA is a (1) Hand-held device that runs on batteries and combines computing, phone and Net capabilities.


Interviewer: And how do you enter information?


Adam         : For input, you use  a (2) Small Keyboard or pen to write and make selection on a (3) Touch creen; they also have buttons for launchiing programs. Some models have a small keyboard. They may have a (4) Voice recognition software system that reacts to the user’s voice.


Interviewer: do they need special software?


Adam        : Yes, most of them run on Windows Mobile. Palmtops suppeted by Palm Inc. use Palm OS. Pen-based systems include (5) Handwriting recognition , so you write on the appropriate letters.


Interviewer: What sort of things can you do with a PDA?


Adam        : You can store personal information, take notes, draw diagrams and make calculations. Many PDAs can acces the Net via (6) Wireless tecnology.



16 October 2012 21:02:55 Dibaca : 79


ð  Binary Digit (bit)

·         Komputer hanya mengenal angka 0 & 1

·         0 artinya off bit

·         1 artinya on bit

ð  1 bit – 4 bit

·         1 bit           0 = 0

·         2 bit           10 = 2

·         3 bit           100 = 4

·         4 bit           1000 = 8 dst,

ð  Basis Dua

·         Karena terdiri dari 2 angka,dapat dikatakan bil. Basis dua

·         Tiap – tiap bit dipresentasikan dengan pangkat 0 – 7 (8 bit)

ð  Penjumlahan Biner

·         Rumus sederhana :

1.      0 + 0 = 0

2.      1 + 0 = 1

3.      1 + 1 = 10, ditulis 0 dan simpan 1 di atas biner berikutnya

4.      Jika 1 + 1 dan ada sisa dari sebelumnya, maka hasilnya 11, di tulis 1 di bawah hasil penjumlahan dan 1 di simpan di atas bit berikutnya

ð  Pengurangan  Biner

·         Rumus sederhana :

1.       0 – 0 = 0

2.       1 – 0 = 1

3.       1 – 1 = 0

4.       0 – 1 = 1, pinjam 1

ð  Perkalian Biner :

1.      0 x 0 = 0

2.      0 x 1 = 0

3.      1 x 0 = 0

4.      1 x 1 = 1

·         Intinya sama dengan perkalian biasa

·         Setelah perkalian tersebut didapatkan, tambahkan hasil perkalian tersebut dengan rumus penjumlahan biner


Sistem Komputer


ð  Computer = people

ð  Computer dulunya adalah nama pekerjaan



·         300 S.M pada zaman babilonia lahir sebagai komputasi matematika & digunakan kalkulator tangan

ð  LOGARITHM  (1617)

·         John Napier dari Skotlandia menemukan perkalian yg di buat table & menjadi stik yg dinamakan Napier’s Bone


·         Prof. Wilhelm Schickard dari Jerman menemukan mesin penghitung menggunakan “gear”

ð  PASCALINE  (1642)

·         Ditemukan Blaise Pascal

ð  PUNCHED CARDS  (1801)

·         Joseph Marie Jacquard dari Perancis membuat mesin hitung menggunakan “punched cards”.


·         Charles Bobbage mengusulkan menghitung beberapa tabel angka layaknya tabel algorithm


·         Herman Hollerith menemukan mesin hitung keperluan sensus

ð  HARVARD MARK 1  (1944)

·         Harvard & IBM menemukan computer pertama di AS namun tidak murni. Berat 5 ton & berjalan 15 th. non stop

ð  ENIAC  (1943 – 1945)

·         Ditemukan John Mauchly & J. Presper Eckert. Berat 30 ton & menggunakan paper card

ð  UNIVAC  (1950)

·         Sudah menggunakan magnetic tape

ð  COBOL & COMPILER  (1953)

·         Grace Hopper menemukan bahasa untuk menerjemahkan ke bahasa biner computer

ð  IBM STRETCH  (1959)

·         Mengeluarkan produk dengan teknologi mikro elektronik

ð  MAINFRAME  (1970-an)

·         IBM mengeluarkan produk mainframe seri 7090, IBM 360 / IBM 370


·         Untuk berinteraksi dengan mainframe

·         Time sharing menggunakan teletype

·         Batch processing menggunakan key punch machine

ð  PC  (1981)

·         IBM mengeluarkan PC berbasis microprocessor sebelumnya MITS Altair 8800 sebagai PC pertama di dunia

ð  Komponen Sistem Komputer

·         HARDWARE

·         SOFTWARE

·         BRAINWARE

¨      Hardware => perangkat keras merujuk pada perlengkapan fisik

¨      Komponen hardware

-          CPU

-          Penyimpanan primer (RAM, Register,ROM,Memory chace)

-          Penyimpanan sekunder (Media magnetis, Disket magnetis,Peralatan menyimpan Optis)

-          Teknologi input (keyboard,mouse,mouse optic,tracball,papan sentuh,joystick,layar sentuh,pengenal suara,barcode reader)

-          Teknologi output (monitor,printer)

-          Teknologi komunikasi

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  • Masih Kosong