ARSIP BULANAN : October 2012

Tugas Bahasa Inggris

22 October 2012 12:06:02 Dibaca : 84

Nama                  : Fitriyanti Suday


Kelas                   : A (Sistem Informasi)


NIM                     : 531412119




Look at A appoisite. Which type of computer do these descriptions refer to?


1.      A hand held computer which can be used as telephone, a web explorer and a personal organizer PDA


2.      A typical computer found in many businesses and popular for home use PC


3.      A large computer used for intensive data processing and often linked to many terminals a mainframe


4.      A small computer that fist into items of clothing wearable computer


5.      A portable computer that can be closed up like a briefcase, but it can be as powerful as a desktop PC Laptop


6.      A full fuction PC, though it only weighs 1.2 kg you can go to a meeting and write your notes on it, like a paper notepad; its screen mode can be changed from portrait to landscape Tablet PC




Look at the computer advertisement and find this information




1.      What type of computer is advertised?


Answer            : Laptop


2.      What kind of screen does it have?


Answer            : TFT Screen


3.      Which pointing device replaces the mouse?


Answer            : Touchpad


4.      What type of ports does it have for connecting camera and music player?


Answer            : USB (Universal Serial Bus)


5.      What sort of power supply does it use?


Answer            : Battery




Read this interview with Adam Hawkins, an IT manager, and complete it with words from the PDA section opposite.


Interviewer      : What are the basic features of a PDA?


Adam              : Well, a typical PDA is a (1) Hand held device that runs on batteries and combines computing, phone and Net capabilities


Interviewer      : And how do you enter information?


Adam              : For input, you can use a (2) Small Keyboard or pen to write and make selections on a (3) touch screen they also have buttons for launching programs. Some models have a small keyboard. They may have a (4) voice recognition system that reacts to the user’s voice.


Interviewer      : Do they need special software?


Adam              : Yes, most of them run on windows Mobile. Palmtops supported by Palm Inc. use Palm OS. Pen based systems include (5) Handwriting recognition so you write on the screen and the computer recognizes your handwriting and inserts the appropriate letters.


Interviewer      : What sort of things can you do with a PDA?


Adam              : You can store personal information, take notes, draw diagrams and make calculations. Many PDAs can access the Net via (6) wireless technology.


Sistem Komputer

16 October 2012 10:51:42 Dibaca : 58

Komponen Sistem Komputer

* Hardware

* Software

* Brainware




Pengkat keras merujuk pada

perlengkapan fisik yang

digunakan untuk

memasukkan, memproses,

menghasilkan, dan

melakukan aktivitas

penyimpanan sistem



Komponen Hardware

* Central Processing Unit (CPU)

* Penyimpanan primer

* Penyimpanan sekunder

* Teknologi Input

* Teknologi Output

* Teknologi Komunikasi



*Memanipulasi data dan

mengendalikan berbagai

pekerjaan yang dilakukan oleh

berbagai komponen lainnya

* CPU adalah Mikroprocessor

* Mikroprocessor :

* Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)

* Register


ALU dan Register

ALU → Melakukan perhitungan

matematis dan melakukan

perbandingan logis

Register → area penyimpanan

data berkecepatan tinggi yang

menyimpan data dan perintah

berjumlah sangat kecil, untuk

jangka waktu pendek


Teknologi Input

* Keyboard

* Mouse

* Mouse-optic

* Trackball

* Papan sentuh


* Layar sentuh

* Pengenal Suara

* Barcode Reader


Teknologi Output


*Monitor :

- Tabung Sinar Katoda

- Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)

*Printer :

- Impact

- Laser nonimpact

- Inkjet

- Plotter


Konsep Binary

16 October 2012 10:44:45 Dibaca : 85

Binary Digit (bit)


Komputer hanya mengenal angka 0 dan 1

 0 artinya off bit (bit mati)

 1 artinya on bit (bit hidup)


Basis Dua

 Karena hanya terdiri dari 2 angka, maka

    dapat dikatakan bilangan basis dua

 Tiap-tiap bit dapat direpresentasikan

     dengan pangkat 0-7 (8 bit)

27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20


Nilai desimal :

128+32+16+8+1 = 185


Nilai desimal :

128+64+8+4+1 = 205


Penjumlahan biner


 Jika ada dua deretan biner 8 bit dijumlahkan,

contoh :


00111001 +

 Maka langkah-langkah penjumlahannya adalah

sebagai berikut :

1. Jumlahkan bit paling kanan, dari

contoh diatas 0 + 1 = 1

2. Jika mendapati bit 1+1 maka hasilnya

adalah 10, dituliskan 0 dibawah hasil

penjumlahan dan 1 disimpan diatas bit



Pengurangan Biner


*Rumus sederhana :

0 – 0 = 0

1 – 0 = 1

1 – 1 = 0

0 – 1 = 1, pinjam 1


Perkalian Biner

*Rumus sederhana :

0 x 0 = 0

0 x 1 = 0

1 x 0 = 0

1 x 1 = 1

*Setelah hasil perkalian didapatkan,

tambahkan hasil perkalian tersebut