ARSIP BULANAN : October 2021

Story Of My Life

15 October 2021 12:07:05 Dibaca : 29

Hai, I’m Nur Rahmawati Hasrin H, people always call me Ama.

I’m currently away from home because I was studying in another province. And now, I live in Gorontalo specifically in Tilong Kabila, Bone Bolango. Because I’m staying in the boarding house now, there’s not much to do. So, I will tell you about my daily activity when I was at home. I come from Batui District, Central Sulawesi. When I was at home, I rarely got up early. I usually wake up around 7.30 A.M and immediately I make up my bed. After that, I helped my mom cook in the kitchen. To be honest, I’m not much of a cook. So, I just helped clean up the seasoning my mother going to use. Sometimes, my sister helps out in the kitchen too, she does the dishes. At home, I only cook rice. My mom used to make me fry fish but honestly, I was still afraid to fry fish. On weekends, I washed my clothes in the washing machine. 

My father was a farmer. When he came home from the fields, I would prepare tea for him. After dinner, we always get together and talk about today. It was my dad who used to talk about things that happened when he worked. I like that moment because my family’s all together, including my brother. 

I’m currently away from home, so I usually remember the atmosphere in my house when I get bored. Well, it’s all about my daily activity when I was at home.


  • Masih Kosong


  • Masih Kosong