ARSIP BULANAN : November 2024

Pengamatan Jaringan Pada Tumbuhan dan Hewan_Praktikum 8

15 November 2024 13:14:21 Dibaca : 24

A. Title

Observation of Networks in Plants and Animals

B. Purpose

1. Knowing Embryonic Tissue in Plants and Animals

2. Differentiate the structure of plant and animal tissue

3. Knowing the Location of the Network

4. Know the Basic Network in Plants and Animals

5. Know the support network in plants and animals

C. Tools and Materials

D. Work Procedures 

E. Results of Observation

F. Results of Discussion

Based on the results of the observations we made, in the first experiment, which was the observation of plant and animal networks, in dicotyledonous plants. Permanent tissue is a tissue composed of adult cells that have been differentiated, but in certain circumstances can be meristematic again. Permanent tissue consists of protective tissue, basic tissue (parenchyma), reinforcing tissue, and transport tissue. For animals, there are two groups of tissue, namely seed tissue and body tissue. The seed network actively divides itself to produce new seeds. Body tissue includes epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscle tissue, and nerve tissue. In the plant tissues that we observed in this practicum, there are several plant constituent tissues which are protective tissues (epidermis). fruit. In this practicum, almost all parts of the plants we observed have epidermis, only the roots of Amaranthus spinosus have epidermal tissue. Basic tissue (parenchyma), parenchyma tissue is a tissue formed from living cells, with varying morphological and physiological structures and still performing physiological processes. In this practicum, the basic network is only found on corn stalks.

      For observations on corn stalks, the parts that have been observed are in accordance with the existing literature, for corn roots, the parts that are in our experiment are lacking for the hairy layer, outer cortex fiber, and pericycle that should be there. For the observation on the stem of Zea mays is in accordance with the available literature. And for the observation of Amaranthus spinosus that can be seen in the observation, we only see the xylem and phloem parts. Because at the time of observation the preparation used broke. But actually on Zea mays. there is a part that shows the network of cortex, epidermis, xylem and phloem. For oryza sativa there are similarities with the literature between the networks, differences 

the form of the organizing network. However, there are slight differences due to unclear observation results.

      According to (Herliani. & Elsje. T. 2020). Plant tissue on the stem consists of several main layers that support the function and growth of the stem. The outermost part is the epidermis, which protects the stem from physical damage and water loss. Under the epidermis, there is a cortex that plays the role of storing food reserves. The next layer is the vascular network consisting of xylem and phloem. Xylem functions to transport water and minerals from the roots to all parts of the plant, while phloem transports the results of photosynthesis from leaves to the rest of the plant body. Between the xylem and the phloem there is a cambium, a meristematic network that produces new cells so that the stem can grow (secondary thickening).




A. Judul

Pengamatan Bentuk Sel Darah Manusia Melalui Metode Pewarnaan Giemsa

B. Tujuan

1. Mahasiswa Terampil Membuat Apusan Darah Yang Dapat Memberi Gambaran Jelas Mengenai Bentuk-bentuk Sel Darah

C. Alat dan Bahan

D. Prosedur Kerja

E. Hasil Pengamatan

F. Hasil Pembahasan

      Berdasarkan hasil dari pengamatan yang praktikan lakukan, pada percobaan pertama yaitu pengamatan bentuk sel darah manusia melalui metode pewarnaan gieamsa dengan menggunakan lensa 40 × 0,65 praktikan tidak menemukan hasil karena mikroskop bermasalah sehingga praktikan tidak menemukan gambar yang jelas. Kemudian pada hasil pengamatan kedua dengan lensa yang sama yaitu 40 × 0,65 praktikan tetap belum menemukan hasil karena terlalu banya meneteskan giemsa. Pada hasil pengamatan ketiga dengan lensa 100 × 1,25 praktikan tidak menemukan hasil juga di karenakan proses apusan tidak sempurna sehingga sulit untuk mendapat tipe sel darah. Namun pada hasil pengamatan percobaan ke empat dengan lensa 40 × 0,65 praktikan menemukan hasil yaitu menemukan gambar dari sel darah merah. Setelah menemukan sel darah merah, praktikan masih melakukan percobaan untuk mendapatkan sel darah putih tetapi praktikan tidak menemukan hasil sehingga pada pengamatan ini praktikan hanya menemukan satu tipe sel darah yaitu sel darah merah.


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